About HonTa

The life standard in Taiwan has been increased during the past few years and the philosophy and attitudes toward life and things have thus been changed. Things that once were rigid have been infused with new life due to the emergence of designers and enterprises that have its own special style. The life of doors are hence be revived and produced. Except the required professional techniques, patience and persistence, our company has a strong passion toward the Auto doors. We do believe that each person and enterprise has its unique style. Our company has worked with numerous designers, architects and a lot of companies, and we have accumulated many experiences of every need from every field. We always endeavour to fulfill the need of our clients and try to give them our best suggestions with our profession and experiences. Our company would still adhere to our original policy, which is to offer the clients our best in the light of safety and visualization. We would also endeavour to humanize the technology and embark on the researches that would make our products become even perfect and humanized.


Bank of Taiwan, Sushi Express, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei City Hospital -Branch for Women and Children, Pojen General Hospital, Fong Tuan Hospital, Chuang Hwa Pictures Tubes, Ltd., Acer etc.