BD-320 One- way opened Auto doors with the sensors both inside and outside. This type suits the need of shops that have great flow of customs. The frame of the glass is aluminum and it goes with the s
BD-320 One-way Opened Auto doors are suitable for the control of people that go in and out the shops. The touching sensors have therefore been adapted into the electrical bells with the electrical loc
BD-320 One-way Opened Auto Doors are suitable for the shops that have nobody take charge or watch, such as the ATM. With the secure system that acquires people to swipe the cards to access, it could e
Besam SL-100PJ
The middle great Auto doors, Besam SL-100PJ, imported from are Swedish suitable for doors that weight above 100KG. Each. The duration of this type is quite long.For Commercial Buildings (LesBâtiments)