Revolving door
Two-wing Besam UniTurn revolving door
The high-capacity revolving door Besam UniTurn creates an inviting and spacious entrance by utilizing a perimeter drive that eliminates the need for a bulky center shaft.
Besam RD3L three-wing revolving door
The Besam RD3L creates a spacious and welcoming entrance that can accommodate shopping trolleys, luggage carts and wheelchairs with ease.
Besam RD3 and RD4 revolving doors
The Besam RD3 and RD4 revolving doors create attractive entrances that combine the climate-control advantages of a revolving door with the security and convenience of an automatic door.
all-glass Besam RD3-300 and Besam RD4-300 revolving doors
The spectacular, all-glass three- and four-wing Besam RD3-300 and Besam RD4-300 revolving doors, with their unique, optional LED lights ceilings, are the crown jewels of our energy-saving entrance por
Besam RD3A and RD4A1 access-controlled revolving doors
The access-controlled revolving doors Besam RD3A and RD4A1 are designed to handle the demands of restricted access in one direction.